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Definition of courage

Facing fears and acting with strength and heart

When I’m courageous, I am…

Self-aware: I know who I am.

Dependent on God: I know who God is and that I need Him.

Persevering: I keep going, even when it’s hard.

Compassionate: I help others when I see them afraid.

Some stories of Courage in the Bible

  • Family Reunion
  • The Walls of Jericho
  • A Giant Challenge
  • Facing the Heat
  • Esther Speaks Up
  • On Trial!
  • Storm at Sea
  • Escape in a Basket
  • A Blinding Light
Courage theme badge

Adventures in Courage

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Exodus 2:21—4:17 NIV

A Burning Bush!

Joshua 5–6 NIV

The Walls of Jericho

Genesis 14; Hebrews 7:1–3 NIV

Rescue Mission

1 Samuel 17 NIV

A Giant Challenge

1 Samuel 16:1–13 NIV

Gods New King

Genesis 32–33 NIV

Touched by an Angel

Esther 5–10 NIV

Esther Speaks Up

Daniel 3 NIV

Facing the Heat

Adventure Theme Resources

Listen to this curated playlist of music of songs and download the Courage poster.

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