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Definition of faith

Believing in and walking with God

When I’m faithful, I am…

Confident: I know who God is

Trusting: I can count on God.

Loyal: When others go I stay.

Constant: I try hard to keep my promises

Some stories of Faith in the Bible

  • A Father’s Sacrifice
  • 20,000 Egyptians Under the Sea
  • Angel Promises
  • The Plagues
  • Armed Battle
  • A Golden Calf
  • Temple Dreams
  • Up on the Roof
  • Walking on Water
  • A New Menu
Faith theme badge

Adventures in Faith

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Exodus 17:8–16 NIV

“Armed” Battle

Numbers 22–24 NIV

A Stubborn Mule—and His Donkey

Exodus 13:17—15:21 NIV

20,000 Egyptians Under the Sea

Exodus 7:12—10:20 NIV

The Plagues

Genesis 15–18 NIV

Insufficient Sons

Luke 1:5–56 NIV

Angel Promises

Genesis 4–5 NIV

Brother's Blood Cry

Judges 16:1–20 NIV

A Bad Haircut

Adventure Theme Resources

Listen to this curated playlist of music of songs and download the Courage poster.

More Adventures

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